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Wog Npc Generation |
2021-02-04 |
Wog Npc Generation

This is Enwald, a dane warrior:
----------------------------------------.-------------------.------------------- Enwald | Noble | Fighter 1 ----------------------------------------.-------------------.------------------- bald hair, brown eyes, tan skin ------------------------------------------------------------.------------------- Strongbow, Impervious Defense | Mov 30ft_9m_6sq_t --------------------.-------------------.-------------------.------------------- | STR 12 (+0) | Stab-0 | HP 5 Physical 15 | CON 12 (+0) | Shoot-0 | | DEX 8 (+0) | | Ini +0 Evasion 15 | INT 11 (+0) | Lead-0 | naked AC 16 | WIS 10 (+0) | Connect-0 | AC 16 Mental 15 | CHA 11 (+0) | Heal-0 | shield AC 17 Luck 15 | | | Att +2 --------------------.-------------------.-------------------.------------------- Spear STR +2 dmg 1d8+0 shk 2+0 AC 13 Seax STR +2 dmg 1d6+0 shk 1+0 AC 15 Seax DEX +2 dmg 1d6+0 shk 1+0 AC 15 Bow DEX +2 ->60ft_18m_12sq_tt +0 ->300ft_90m_60sq_6Ftt dmg 1d6+0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enwald has the Strongbow focus (he gained Shoot as a bonus skill and rolls 3d6 instead of 2 when shooting as a skill check). He is used to connect with people and to lead men. He also is skilled in healing.
He shoots at +2 until 60 feet (18 meters, 12 squares, two thirty feet sticks) and +0 until 300 feet.
Here is Aelfnoth, a saxon with a slave background:
----------------------------------------.-------------------.------------------- Aelfnoth son of Wigmund | Slave | Expert 1 ----------------------------------------.-------------------.------------------- bald hair, green eyes, ruddy skin ------------------------------------------------------------.------------------- Cultured, Harder Be Purpose | Mov 30ft_9m_6sq_t --------------------.-------------------.-------------------.------------------- | STR 13 (+0) | | HP 6 Physical 15 | CON 11 (+0) | Work-0 | | DEX 11 (+0) | Craft-0 | Ini +0 Evasion 15 | INT 6 (-1) | Connect-0 | naked AC 10 | WIS 10 (+0) | Pray-0 | AC 10 Mental 15 | CHA 9 (+0) | | shield AC 15 Luck 15 | | | Att +1 --------------------.-------------------.-------------------.------------------- Staff STR -1 dmg 1d6+0 shk 2+0 AC 13 Seax STR -1 dmg 1d6+0 shk 1+0 AC 15 Seax DEX -1 dmg 1d6+0 shk 1+0 AC 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
They are generated for the cross between Wolves of God and Worlds Without Number that I'm using.
The format is compact and horizontal, I can easily print, cut, and paste in the scenario canvas, or I can print a stack of a dozen of pages of NPCs.
I like the layering attributes, background, foci, skills, and equipment. It makes for heterogeneous characters.
The attributes weave into the saving throws, the background seeds the skills, the class takes what's coming and the foci tweak attributes and skills a final time.

Sin Nomine provides character and creature templates that are much simpler than what I have above, but I wanted the personal history outlined by the skills, the result of dozen table in a single summary character sheet.
Alex Schroeder speaks of generating a stack of NPCs and using them all, refilling the stack from time to time. That's a way of using the tool. In scenario preparation, one probably wants to pick NPCs that fit the situation. Fast track to the role of their life.
Alex has written a fine character generator, I love the hand-written look and the arrows showing the flow of the modifiers (but not 10 feet poles in the equipment list).
There is also the randomcharacter by Ramanan Sivaranjan (yes it has 10 feet poles in its source equipment list).
As is usual with the projects I build, my NPC generator still has a lot of missing features (spells for spellcasters, level above the first one, personality quirks maybe, ...). I take pleasure in adding them when I have the time and the need arises.
It's at github.com/jmettraux/histrion.
I actually have a cron job that generates 100 hundred new saxon NPCs every five minutes, it dumps at laconi.co/npcs.txt.